The Back4Good® Programme
For the Prevention and Management of Low Back Pain
More than 80% of the adult population suffer from low back pain at some time in their life. It is one of the most common reasons why people take time off work, and may be distressing and frustrating as quality of life often suffers.
Yet gentle, effective exercise, delivered by a properly trained exercise professional, can often help with the prevention and management of low back pain. This was underlined by the publication by NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) in 2009 of medical guidelines recommending that people with persistent non-specific low back pain should be encouraged to stay physically active and exercise. GPs and medical practitioners are encouraged to refer patients, where appropriate, to properly qualified exercise professionals.
Back4Good® Practitioners are exercise specialists who are trained to help people with non-specific low back pain. Practitioners are already experienced Body Control Pilates teachers, having been certified by Europe’s foremost Pilates organisation. They have additionally undertaken extensive training exclusively related to exercise referral and low back pain to become a Back4Good® Practitioner.
This training has been externally accredited by SkillsActive and The Register of Exercise Professionals who oversee quality and standards for the UK health and fitness industry. All Back4Good® Practitioners are registered as a ‘BackCare Professional’ with BackCare, the charity for healthier backs.